Water Plumbing Plastic PPR Pipe

Size: 20mm-160mm
Pressure: PN12.5-PN25
Color: Green color or custom
Uses: water supply
Advantages of IFAN products: free samples, high quality, preferential prices, support custom.


Product Description:

PPR pipe

PPR pipes are made from tri-polypropylene, which is a moderately priced, heat and corrosion resistant, stable, non-scaling, and can last up to 50 years, and can be embedded in walls or pre-buried in deep wells. However, the technical requirements for construction are high and special tools and professional knowledge are required to ensure the safety of the system.

PPR pipe technical requirements

  1. The colour of the pipe should be uniform and the internal and external surfaces of the pipe should be smooth and flat, free from dents, bubbles and other surface defects affecting performance. The tubes should not contain visible impurities. The end face of the pipe should be cut smooth and perpendicular to the axis.
  2. The main control parameters for the selection of random copolymer polypropylene piping systems for hot and cold water are the pipe series associated with their design pressure, the nominal outer diameter of the pipe, the nominal wall thickness and the basic physical properties such as the longitudinal shrinkage required.
  3. The colour of the pipe is generally green, other colours can be determined by mutual agreement between supply and demand, and the pipe should be opaque.

In conclusion

In recent years, PPR pipes have become more and more popular in hot and cold water systems. It’s durable, long-lasting and easy to install. Making it an excellent choice for any plumbing project.
When choosing the right PPR pipe for your needs. There are several factors to consider. The size of the pipe, its intended use, and the quality of the material are all important considerations.

Contact us IFAN

IFAN has 30+ years of experience in the plumbing industry. If you are looking for suppliers of PPR Pipe, please visit our website, you will get the price and other detailed information about ppr. Welcome to contact IFAN, this is our Whatsapp: +86 13373827623.



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